The Nautilus T Medium Head turbine has been manufactured for over 10 years. Many of these turbines are installed in the U.K. and the United States. The hydraulic design is based on a utility grade Francis turbine that is reduced in size and fitted with a trapezoidal section scroll case.
This is an unregulated design. The turbine is turned on and off to match available flow with a butterfly valve installed in the penstock. Multiple units can be installed in parallel to match flow or the T-MH can be paired with a regulated CMC-MH to efficiently utilize lower flows. The Nautilus T-MH is fabricated from stainless steel and iron and designed to be bolted to a 12in penstock. It also comes fitted with a universal generator mounting plate. The T-MH is supplied with a standard 4 ft long draft tube so that it can be mounted above tail water without any head loss. This protects the turbine and generator from flooding. The T-MH can be installed on heads from 3.7m to 12m. Electrical power outputs range from 3,300 watts to 20 kW depending on head and flow.
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